
Marta Bucholc


I am a Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Sociology, the University of Warsaw, and Associate Researcher at the Centre de recherche en science politique, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles. From 2015 through 2020, I held a research professorship at Käte Hamburger Centre for Advanced Studies “Law as Culture,” University of Bonn. Moreover, I was a visiting scholar at the universities of Jena, Cambridge, Graz, and Saint-Louis Bruxelles, as well as Bronisław Geremek Fellow of the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna. My research focuses on the sociology of law and historical sociology. Besides Abortion Figurations, I lead two ongoing projects: “National Habitus Formation and the Process of Civilization in Poland After 1989: A Figurational Approach” funded by Poland’s National Science Centre, and “Towards Illiberal Constitutionalism in East Central Europe: Historical Analysis in Comparative and Transnational Perspectives”, funded by Volkswagen Foundation (

Recent publications:

Established-Outsiders Relations in Poland: Reconfiguring Elias and Scotson, Palgrave Studies on Norbert Elias (2024).

Abortion Law and Human Rights in Poland: The Closing of the Jurisprudential Horizon. Hague J Rule Law, 14, 73–79 (2022).

The Anti-LGBTIQ Campaign in Poland: The Established, the Outsiders, and the Legal Performance of Exclusion. Law & Policy, 44(1) 4–22 (2022).

Schengen and the Rosary: Catholic religion and the postcolonial syndrome in Polish national habitus, Historical Social Research, 45(1) 153-181 (2020).

Lourdes Peroni


I am a human rights law scholar whose areas of research include equality and non-discrimination, gender-based violence, intersectionality and vulnerability, particularly within the contexts of the United Nations, Organization of American States and Council of Europe. I have published on these themes in several journals such as Feminist Legal StudiesHuman Rights Law Review and International Journal of Constitutional Law. Before joining the University of Warsaw, I worked at several universities, including Yale (US), Ghent (Belgium) and Sheffield Hallam (UK). I was a fellow at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and was involved in various submissions and third-party interventions before the CEDAW Committee and the European Court of Human Rights. I was a visiting scholar at Emory Law School, Melbourne Law School and, most recently, CEU Democracy Institute.

Recent publications:

Peroni, “Lo Público y lo Privado, Dicotomías de Género y Re-privatización de las Mujeres en el Parlamento,” Debate Feminista (accepted for publication in September 2022)

Peroni, “Los Estereotipos en el Derecho Antidiscriminatorio: Comentario,” 28(1) Revista Discusiones (2022) 71-84

Niemi, Peroni and Stoyanova (eds.), International Law and Violence Against Women: Europe and the Istanbul Convention (Routledge 2020)

Peroni, “The Protection of Women Asylum Seekers under the ECHR: Unearthing the Gendered Roots of Harm,” 18(2) Human Rights Law Review (2018) 347–370

Peroni, “The Borders that Disadvantage Migrant Women in Enjoying Human Rights,” 36(2) Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (2018) 93-110

Nikoletta Pikramenou


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I am a legal expert and researcher on gender and LGBTI issues. I have worked for several NGOs and international organisations including Make Every Woman Count (MEWC), Women’s Link Worldwide, the Council of Europe, the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations in New York. My doctoral thesis, which was conducted at the Law Faculty of Aristotle University and co-supervised by Uppsala University, introduced the first legal global comparative study on intersex rights. In 2019, it was published as a book by Springer under the tile ‘Intersex rights. Living between sexes’. The same year, I joined Intersex Greece as a legal expert on intersex rights and ally. Last year, I worked closely (on behalf of Intersex Greece) with the Greek Ministry of Health for the preparation of the bill on the intersex genial mutilation (IGM) ban. In July 2022, Greece became the 5th country in the world to ban IGM. My working languages are Greek, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. 

Recent publications:

Intersex Rights. Living between sexes, Springer, 2019, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-27554-9.

Shadow report on Gender-Based Violence against Intersex Women in Greece, (in Greek & English) for the Council of Europe and Intersex Greece

Intersex athletes: invisible victims in the language of gender-based violence, Agenda Feminist Journal, Routledge, Taylor & Francis group, 2020.

Raising Indigenous women’s voices for equal rights and self-determination, New England Journal of Public Policy, Volume 31, Issue 2 Special Issue: ICO, Article 9, University of Massachusetts,

Make Every African Woman Leader Count, Agenda Feminist Journal, Routledge, Taylor & Francis group, DOI: 10.1080/10130950.2019.1605835,, Published online: 24 May 2019.


iskra de Vries

I received my MSc degree in Sociology in 2021 at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), where I specialized in Cultural Sociology and Gender Studies. During my studies, I co-created an accessible magazine called Accent on contemporary social insights ( Before joining Abortion Figurations as a PhD candidate, I worked as a junior lecturer for the Bachelor program Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at the UvA.

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Carolina Mosquera Vera


Pronouns: She/Her.

I am a Colombian feminist sociologist and activist. I have a degree in Sociology and a specialization in Public Policy from the National University of Colombia, and a Master’s degree in Women and Gender Studies in Spain and Poland. I am a PhD candidate in sociology at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Faculty of Sociology at the University of Warsaw.

I have over five years of experience in research on women’s human rights, particularly violence against women in the contexts of war and transition towards peace, women’s human rights defenders, and their political participation. I am currently involved in activism related to feminism, intersectionality, and social justice. My research interests include understanding the challenges and opportunities that feminist movements face in promoting women’s sexual and reproductive rights, particularly the right to make decisions about their bodies and life plans.

Recent publications:


Revolución feminista en Irán: experiencias de solidaridad transnacional con Abya Yala. Revista Emancipa. 2022.


Measuring Progress towards Agenda 2030: Telling Stories with Statistics for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). SDG 5: Gender Equality Participation of Women in National Parliaments: Iceland’s Emblematic Case. 2022.

 La Marcha de los turbantes: mujeres y diásporas de Resistencia. 2022. CESMECA. ISBN tomo 3: 978-607-543-162-8.

 20 years after Resolution 1325, women’s organizations review its implementation in Colombia during 2019. 2020. ISBN: 978-958-53226-0-8 ed: A. Impresores S.A.A , v. , p.261 – 267, 2020.

The pandemic before the Covid: violence against women and girls in 2019 and 2020 in Colombia, Sisma Mujer. 2020


I am studying for a master’s degree in Digital Sociology at the University of Warsaw, where I also received bachelor’s degrees in Sociology and Philosophy.
I have published on discourse analysis and intellectual history. I also conducted qualitative and quantitative research projects for NGOs and businesses. Currently, my main research interest is using digital methods in discourse analysis and social network analysis.
I am a student assistant in the Abortion Figurations project and a scholarship recipient in the Competition in the Scientific Field project at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialisation, University of Warsaw.

Marta Gospodarczyk


I am a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences/Faculty of Sociology at the University of Warsaw. My research areas are rural sociology, gender studies, and people’s history of Poland. My PhD thesis will concentrate on gendered coping strategies in Polish farming households affected by drought. I am a research assistant in Abortion Figurations Project and I am also a Co-Investigator in the National Habitus project.

Agnieszka Nowakowska

I manage the Abortion Figurations project. I specialize in sociology and history and my own research focuses on social memory and Polish-Lithuanian relations.