Marta Bucholc in Poznań
On February 25th, 2025, Marta Bucholc gave an invited lecture at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, entitled Socjologia praw człowieka: neutralność, zaangażowanie i problemy metodologiczne (Sociology of human rights: detachment, involevement and methodological problems) where she has given the audience the overview of the Abortion Figuration project’s methods, goals, and struggles. This lecture was […]
Solidarity with the people of Mozambique
14 May 2024: Gender Wars Network Seminar
Join us on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 for an online discussion of the Gender Wars network. Marta Bucholc, Lourdes Peroni, Iskra de Vries, Carolina Mosquera Vera, and Marta Gospodarczyk will talk about the Abortion Figurations project, which will be followed by comments from Prof. Flávia Biroli (University of Brasília, member of Gender Wars network) and […]
21-22 March 2024: Gendered Autocratization Conference
From March 21st to 22nd, members of the Abortion Figurations team were accepted to the Gendered Autocratization Conference at the Centre on Law and Social Transformation in Bergen, Norway. The main discussions centered on the use of anti-gender rhetoric in different countries, collaboration among junior scholars in gender research, and exploring specificities at regional and […]
13 March 2024: Kiedy prawo stwarza outsiderów
On 13 March 2024, our PI Marta Bucholc has given a lecture “Kiedy prawo stwarza outsiderów” [When Law Creates the Outsiders] as an annual lecture in memory of dr Lena Kondratiewa-Bryzik. The lecture (in Polish) was organized by the Poznań Human Rights Center. Check out the pictures from the event:
„The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75: Rethinking and Constructing Future Together”
This week, the Abortion Figurations team participated in the International Inter and Transdisciplinary Conference at Ghent University, Belgium. Our presentations included: 1. “Relocating the lens of intersex rights: Narratives from Greece and Serbia” by Nikoletta Pikramenou (from AF) and Professor Jelena Simić. 2. “Mold and Malleability of Human Rights and Reproductive Equality: Scapegoating Universalism in […]
75th Anniversary of Human Rights Declaration
Tune in for a special, anniversary episode of the Abortion Figurations project videoblog! The 10th December 2023 is the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This was a milestone in creating a framework of human rights – rights, which do not exclude anyone, a foundation for a better future. Or would they? […]
The “Red Lines, Red Tapes: Ethical Challenges in Sensitive Research in Social Sciences and Humanities” conference is starting today! Three days of inspiring discussions and exchanges at the University of Warsaw, between 30 November and 2 December. Listen to what Marta Bucholc has to say about it:
Red Lines, Red Tapes conference – coming soon!
The “Red Lines, Red Tapes: Ethical Challenges in Sensitive Research in Social Sciences and Humanities” is fast approaching! The conference will take place between 30 November – 2 December 2023, with keynote speeches by Kimberly Theidon (Tufts) and Rebecca Tapscott (University of York). Check out the programme and abstracts here:
EUNMUTE Seminar: Lobbying for Intersectionality: Civil Society Organisations and the EU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy
The Abortion Figuration’s PI, Marta Bucholc, will be a discussant at an upcoming EUNMUTE Seminar on Lobbying for Intersectionality: Civil Society Organisations and the EU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy. The presentation will be given by Oriane Calligaro. The event will take place on 10 November 2023 at 12:00 at UCLouvain (room P30) and online. You can join the meeting […]