30 August – 1 September 2023: Annual Meeting of the ISA RCSL, Lund

The Abortion Figurations team had the privilege of participating in the Annual Meeting of the ISA Research Committee on the Sociology of Law (RCSL) at Lund University. It was an incredible event where we had the opportunity to showcase our project and engage in insightful discussions. Our team organized the panel ‘Arguing Reproductive Rights,’ chaired […]

11 May 2023: IDAHOT+ Forum 2023

Nikoletta Pikramenou was a speaker at the panel « Towards evidence-based policymaking in advancing the rights of intersex persons » during the IDAHOT+ Forum 2023. This year’s forum took place in Reykjavik and was organized by the Presidency of Iceland of the Council of Europe. https://www.coe.int/en/web/sogi/-/european-idahot-forum-2023    

27-28 April 2023: Abortion at Borderlands – A Feminist Perspectives

Our team member, Carolina Mosquera Vera, is currently participating in the Abortion at Borderlands – A Feminist Perspectives conference organized by King’s College London (UK). She will be giving a presentation on the Mobilization strategies of Colombian feminist organizations that achieved the decriminalization of abortion up to week 24. She will be using ‘Causa Justa’ […]

25 April 2023: Illiberal transformations, academic freedom and gender in Poland and Hungary

Our PI, Marta Bucholc, will discuss the situation around academic freedom, illiberal democracy and gender in Poland and Hungary, along with Andrea Petõ. The discussants are Jo Dillabough, Dorthe Staunæs and Rasmus Harsbo. The webinar is organized by Aarhus University, Danish School of Education, on 25 April, between 14-16. More information and registration  here: https://dpu.au.dk/en/about-the-school/nyheder/single/artikel/default-c7ecc6bd61.

20-21 April 2023: Socio-Legal Trajectories in Europe: Comparative Perspectives of the UK, Germany and beyond (culture, pedagogy, institutions and scholars)

Our PI, Marta Bucholc, is participating in the “Socio-Legal Trajectories in Europe: Comparative Perspectives of the UK, Germany and Beyond (Culture, Pedagogy, Institutions and Scholars)” workshop, organized by the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law/Instituto Internacional de Sociologia Juridica de Oñati. More information on the event here: https://www.iisj.net/en/workshops/socio-legal-trajectories-europe-comparative-perspectives-uk-germany-and-beyond-culture.